The light emitted from a laser has a very high degree of coherence and is almost perfectly parallel. Because of the high degree of coherence associated with a laser beam, it finds important applications…
Thunderstorms have been defined as storms produced by a cumulonimbus cloud and continually followed with the aid of lightning and thunder. They are normally of brief duration
Cosmic rays consist of high energy atomic nuclei, mainly. protons reaching our earth from outer space as well as secondary radiation produced by these nuclei in the earth’s atmosphere. Most of these…
Optical fiber these days have become a major source for the transmission of internet as it is capable of huge data transfer utilizing light in a very short time interval.
The primary cosmic ray particles mostly protons, some alpha-particles and a few heavier nuclei interact with the nuclei of atmospheric gases giving rise to secondary cosmic rays…
An observer who departs from an inertial system and then returns after moving relative to that system will always find his or her clocks slow compared with clocks that stayed in the system…
A transistor is a semi-conductor device corresponding to a thermionic vacuum triode. It can amplify electric signals and can also be used as an oscillator. In its original form it was invented by John Bardeen and…